Saturday, December 18, 2010

Successful College Life

Have you ever wonder what steps you can take in making sure that you have a successful college career? Well, I attend Argosy University in Chicago, IL  and I have just completed a course named Skills to Success. In this particular course I learned about how to ensure a successful path to your career. There were many topics talked about but these are just a few that I believe will hopefully peak your interest and want you to inquire more about the course. To begin with this course was taught from a book named P.O.W.E.R. Learning: Strategies for Success in College and Life written by Robert S. Feldman. (Feldman)

The first thing that is talked about is the P.O.W.E.R. process, which stands for Prepare, Organize, Work, Evaluate, and Rethink.(Feldman, 2007) These 5 things are said to help make a students college life a lot easier. When a person break each down it makes it more simpler to understand. For example, starting with Prepare. In order for a person to prepare for a successful academic life they must first understand where it is they are trying to go. (Feldman, 2007)

Organize is something that a person must always do no matter what is to make sure that they have everything that they need before they start. If there is going to be a test for a class they should make sure that they have enough pencils or pens in case one stop working on them.(Feldman, 2007)

Work is what I would call hands on. This is when a person is going to class doing assignments and projects and participating in class discussions. One thing that was listed as a factor in its success is motivation. When a person lacks the motivation to do something then it won't get done or it will but with a lack of effort.(Feldman, 2007)

Evaluate is when a person sit back and think about all that they have accomplished and compare it to what their goals were and just basically weigh where they are now compared to where they were before they made their goals. (Feldman, 2007)

Then there is Rethink which is when a perosn takes into consideration all the goals that they haven't completed or gotten to do, then they find an alternate solution to completing/ doing them. (Feldman, 2007)

Now here are some ways that can help a person become a successful student. When a person manages their time better it helps to stay on task. Working on your relationships with other people especially people that are diverse from yourself can help improve so that you can be able to deal with a variety of people. Also there is when you learn to make good decisions because you wouldn't want to try and set examples but then people see that you are making the same mistakes over again. There are plenty more to follow of these helpful tips but I jsut wanted list some that are important and also if you follow the P.O.W.E.R. format it will help a person to improve in each area.(Feldman, 2007)

So do this sound like something that any student might find helpful?

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